My First True Love...

I have been spending WAY too much time online lately. Of course its a necessary evil.  I must stay on top of marketing, advertising etc, for Bluepie otherwise how and where would I sell all this stuff I make?  No genie is going to knock on my front door and give me loads of cash!  However, as much as I LOVE my MAC and the internet and making handbags, secret stash cuffs, passion pillows, hand dyed scarves, and the million other items I dream up, nothing comes close to my first true love- painting! You know with sable  brushes, oils,  watercolors,  quality paper, a good stretched canvas.  Just set up an easel, turn on the IPOD and mix up the paints.  I go into another zone, another level of consciousness.  It's not work, its play. It's leaving the real world and entering the twilight zone for a while. It's being a kid with no responsibilities,  no worries, no time clock.
So, I've made time once again for my first true love. My latest venture has been painting custom home watercolor portraits. My own home is the first painting.  I am halfway done and will post the finished product as soon as it's complete. It's coming along great.  I'm in love once again with sketching, color, paints and design! It's exciting  to have a brush in hand and drift away to wherever it is that I go.

Okay, its time to sign off for now- gotta go smell the paints!
Here's a couple of paintings from years past:
Leave a comment if you can to inspire me! thanks!


Unknown said…
Your work is amazing, all of it, not just the paintings, you are very talented woman! Glad to hear you are starting to paint again.
I am enjoying your blog, I love how you have it set up.. Looks life fun!
BluepieDesigns said…
Thanks so much Diane!
Glad you are enjoying reading my blog. It so nice to get positive feedback too..You made my day!
Be well....and stay tuned!
The Tote Trove said…
It's great that you found your way back to painting! And I know just how you feel when you say it's play, and that you travel to another world. We artists are a lucky breed :)
Danielle Corso said…
Oh wow! I love your work. Very nice! And your blog is great too. Haha! We chose the same background!

Thanks for connecting with me. I can't believe you live so close. We should get together sometime! :)

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