The Traveler

To me, there is nothing more satisfying  than traveling the world to see unique or remote locations,  meet people from different  cultures,  enjoy incredible sights, sounds and adventures.  Of course there's the food, cool pubs,  and hanging out with the locals.  But right now, during  the dead of winter in New Jersey instead of traveling, I am planning to travel. I am addicted to the Travel Channel, Rachael Ray's $40 a Day,  Samantha Browns Passport to Europe, Rick Steves, Anthony Bourdain and whatever else I can find while I browse with my remote. I am not overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, instead I am on my living room couch with maps, travel brochures and of course my best buddy- the internet. It's all good though- In fact planning a trip is almost have the fun. I dream of where I will go, how I will get there, who I will meet and what clothes I will pack. (its a great excuse to buy some new stuff too)
But what really tops the list for me is seeing the world through my camera (and it a brand new Nikon- A Bluepie treat to me!)  There is nothing better than composing, hearing the shutter click and knowing I am making memories that I can look back on and relive the best moments of my trip.
So, for now I look at photographs  from years past, from an actual scrapbook or an online digital travel site.
I began one a few years ago at
 Very cool!. I keep a journal of every step of the way (nerds do this ) on each trip not only because  I love to write but also so I can remember what the hell I did! After all what good are memories if you can't remember them!
This morning I  spent time gathering up my handcrafted photo cards, writing up descriptions and posting away on Etsy. They remind me of the good times I've had and my hope is that they will create new dreams and connections for others who may hold them in their hands and feel the same magic I did.
I dont' know where I will end up this year but I know it will be another not- to- be missed adventure!


emmy's closet said…
I WISH we traveled more, but plan on it once our kids are a little bit older. Do you know when I met my husband in '03 I had only flown twice?! We've been to the Bahamas a few times and Aruba but that's about it! What has been your most favorite trip? I'm so jealous of your new Nikon...thinking Emmy's Closet needs to treat me to one soon ;)
BluepieDesigns said…
I would have a hard time choosing a favorite, but Italy and France would be at the top of the list..
I have so many awesome photos- I put some greeting card sets on my etsy site and have a ton more to add..Sold quite a few at craft shows last year..its so fun..i just need 25 hours in a day now!
Treat yourself to a new DSLR...i love mine!

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