New Painting!

Collage Class is over- boo-hoo..However, my new class is Gouache Painting!  Loving this too. I have practiced this medium before but never really understood all the qualities and different techniques involved.  It is absolutely my favorite way to paint.  Rich, opaque, full of color saturation. Much easier and more fun to manipulate than watercolor. It even reminds me of oils which I practiced for many years.
So, here is my first assignment- "What do you see from your window?" I love the colors and I'm happy with the results! I'd love to hear what you think.
Until next time....


Unknown said…
What a gorgeous painting! The colors are lovely as is the subject.

Julie Magers Soulen Photography
BluepieDesigns said…
Thanks Julie....

Nice of you to comment!

Its been so fun taking art classes!


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