Learning to "See"


It's been way too long since my last post!  A lot has happened and life is full of challenges to be sure.
Some good, some not so good. The good news is that the first half of 2012 was amazing- visiting many art museums and galleries - the bad news was the second half was challenging. Physically and mentally.

After six months of dealing with discomfort and pain due to a "pinched nerve" that I thought at times would be with me for life,  I found out that miracles happen. It amazes me still how the human body heals itself with the right ingredients. And I am so thankful and grateful to have my life back to be able to create, play, have fun and laugh again.

So, enough whining and onto the  more important things in life!  A passion for all things ART!

Partly due to the curse of being a Gemini,  I am always changing things up, running wild, and exploring various art forms. This is not a bad thing but it does, however, cause brain cells to run about, knock into each other and cause havoc. Sorta alike a runaway train without a conductor. But, I manage to put the brakes on when needed.

As of late, I am obsessed with not only collage ( a true passion that seriously overtakes the brain), but also I have returned to exploring and hopefully mastering the challenging but incredibly beautiful transparency of watercolor painting.

Truthfully, I do not think I ever really had it right. But due to continuing my weekly art classes, reading art books, and studying online, I think I have finally found my voice and my style!

A blank piece of watercolor paper is sometimes hard to face.  But, if you learn a few tricks, loosen up and let go it seems to get easier.  Although, I can copy just about anything, I have a harder time visualizing on my own and deconstructing a photograph or outdoor scene into a pleasing composition. So this is my goal and I will succeed! (never say you will try, say you will, for it is  desire that takes you there)

In the coming weeks,  months, (and forever!)  I will be practicing learning to "see". For it is this that truly makes one an artist. I have figured this out in taking a photograph. Composition through a lens comes easy to me. Now I have to translate that "eye" to my paintbrush.

I am excited about my new journey and I love a challenge. So here I come 2013- even thou I am a bit late in the game.

I'd love to hear  how you like my first try at "loosening up" the edges, blending color and having fun with watercolor again.  I think I may finally be on the right track, with or without a conductor.

Thanks- until next time~


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