Fabric Obsessed...etc...

Yes, it's true...

I have many obsessions.  I suppose it may be a sickness, but that's okay by me.  I am, for the most part,  painting watercolors on a daily basis now , but of course, I still have a thing for fabric.  No one has to drag me into a fabric store. There must must be some type of radar system that is directly hooked up to my brain.  The colors, the textures, the patterns! Someone take my credit card away please!

Of course, no one ever does, so I am piled up with shelves of wonderful fabrics that I will turn into all kinds of cool things. Hey...I say don't fight it, go for it. It means you are moving in the direction of your passion.  And isn't that what life should be really be about?  Of course! Otherwise it is boring and it becomes someone else's life.  I am happy living my own life. Thank you very much.

So...I must say I found the most gorgeous  fabric  the other day. Chinese letters - on a stunning red  background - is now a pillow cover. The pillow back in a white / black lettering of Confucius sayings...  (ahh...wisdom!)
 There is nothing better than filling up a couch or bed with tons of original, soft pillows!  Sink in and dream on!
(available soon at www.bluepiedesigns.etsy.com)  along with many others!


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