Art Show Update!

Two Art shows in two weeks!  Fun and Success!

It's been a busy May....

My first art show at the Westerhoff School of Art and Music in Metuchen  was shared with my artist friends from Mickey Warings ongoing art class. We meet every thursday and are always learning something new and fun.  We shared stories, snacks, and great music from a  local guitarist who was amazing, and of course,  a love of art.  A great day that ended with a treat- An outstanding  piano concert by Dr. Hollly Roadfeldt. Very special!
Thanks Mickey for being a great teacher, friend and a huge inspiration.

And to top it off, I had another special night---- my second exhibit was at the Barron Art Center in Woodbridge, where I entered  three of my favorite collages.  A nice surprise was  a third place award from Mayor McCormac for "Tea Time"!  A great evening with many talented artists and friends...
Looking forward to more art and inspiration- it's everywhere if you want it....


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